Source code for heatpro.disaggregation.weighted_disaggregation

from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

from ..check import find_duplicate_months, find_xor_months, ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME
from ..check import check_weight_format, WEIGHT_NAME_REQUIRED

from ..temporal_demand import YearlyHeatDemand, MonthlyHeatDemand, DailyHeatDemand, HourlyHeatDemand

[docs] def monthly_weighted_disaggregate(yearly_demand: YearlyHeatDemand, weights: pd.DataFrame, keep_year_data: bool = True) -> MonthlyHeatDemand: """Disaggregate yearly heat demand into monthly values using weights. Args: yearly_demand (YearlyHeatDemand): The input yearly heat demand to be disaggregated. weights (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing weights for each month. keep_year_data (bool, optional): If True, include yearly data in the output. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If yearly_demand is not an instance of YearlyHeatDemand. ValueError: If the weight format is not valid. ValueError: If there are duplicate months in the weights index. ValueError: If yearly_demand and weights do not overlap on the same year. Returns: MonthlyHeatDemand: The disaggregated monthly heat demand. """ # Check if yearly_demand is an instance of YearlyHeatDemand if not isinstance(yearly_demand, YearlyHeatDemand): raise ValueError("yearly_demand should be an instance of YearlyHeatDemand") # Check the format of the weights DataFrame check_weight_format(weights) # Check for duplicate months in the weights index duplicate_months = find_duplicate_months(weights.index) if not duplicate_months.empty: duplicate_month_str = ', '.join([f'{month.Month}-{month.Year}' for _, month in duplicate_months.iterrows()]) raise ValueError(f"Months {duplicate_month_str} have multiple occurrences in weights") # Check if yearly_demand and weights overlap on the same year if not raise ValueError("yearly_demand and weights do not overlap on the same year") # Initialize the DataFrame for monthly demand monthly_demand_df = weights.copy() # Include yearly data in the output if keep_year_data is True if keep_year_data: for feature in monthly_demand_df[f"yearly_{feature}"] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * row[feature] for index, row in ) # Disaggregate the yearly heat demand into monthly values monthly_demand_df[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * row[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] * weights[WEIGHT_NAME_REQUIRED] for index, row in ) # Create a MonthlyHeatDemand object with the disaggregated data return MonthlyHeatDemand(, monthly_demand_df)
[docs] def weekly_weighted_disaggregate(monthly_demand: MonthlyHeatDemand, weights: pd.DataFrame, keep_year_data: bool = True) -> HourlyHeatDemand: """Disaggregate monthly heat demand into hourly values using weights. Args: monthly_demand (MonthlyHeatDemand): The input monthly heat demand to be disaggregated. weights (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing weights for each week. keep_year_data (bool, optional): If True, include yearly data in the output. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If monthly_demand is not an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand. ValueError: If the weight format is not valid. ValueError: If weights and monthly_demand do not match the same months. Returns: HourlyHeatDemand: The disaggregated hourly heat demand. """ # Check if monthly_demand is an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand if not isinstance(monthly_demand, MonthlyHeatDemand): raise ValueError("monthly_demand should be an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand") # Check the format of the weights DataFrame check_weight_format(weights) # Check if weights and monthly_demand match the same months xor_months = find_xor_months(, weights) if not xor_months.empty: diff_str = f"weights and monthly_demand are not matching the same month\n Difference :\n {xor_months}" raise ValueError(diff_str) # Initialize the DataFrame for hourly demand hourly_demand_df = weights.copy() # Include yearly data in the output if keep_year_data is True if keep_year_data: for feature in if not feature.startswith('yearly_'): hourly_demand_df[f'monthly_{feature}'] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) else: hourly_demand_df[feature] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) # Disaggregate the monthly heat demand into hourly values hourly_demand_df[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] * weights[WEIGHT_NAME_REQUIRED] for index, row in ) # Create an HourlyHeatDemand object with the disaggregated data return HourlyHeatDemand(, hourly_demand_df)
[docs] def daily_weighted_dissagregate(monthly_demand: MonthlyHeatDemand, weights: pd.DataFrame, keep_month_data: bool = True) -> DailyHeatDemand: """Disaggregate monthly heat demand into daily values using weights. Args: monthly_demand (MonthlyHeatDemand): The input monthly heat demand to be disaggregated. weights (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing weights for each day. keep_month_data (bool, optional): If True, include monthly data in the output. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If monthly_demand is not an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand. ValueError: If the weight format is not valid. ValueError: If weights and monthly_demand do not match the same months. Returns: DailyHeatDemand: The disaggregated daily heat demand. """ # Check if monthly_demand is an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand if not isinstance(monthly_demand, MonthlyHeatDemand): raise ValueError("monthly_demand should be an instance of MonthlyHeatDemand") # Check the format of the weights DataFrame check_weight_format(weights) # Check if weights and monthly_demand match the same months xor_months = find_xor_months(, weights) if not xor_months.empty: diff_str = f"weights and monthly_demand are not matching the same month\n Difference :\n {xor_months}" raise ValueError(diff_str) # Initialize the DataFrame for daily demand daily_demand_df = weights.copy() # Include monthly data in the output if keep_month_data is True if keep_month_data: for feature in if not feature.startswith('yearly_'): daily_demand_df[f'monthly_{feature}'] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) else: daily_demand_df[feature] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) # Disaggregate the monthly heat demand into daily values daily_demand_df[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] * weights[WEIGHT_NAME_REQUIRED] for index, row in ) # Create a DailyHeatDemand object with the disaggregated data return DailyHeatDemand(, daily_demand_df)
[docs] def hourly_weighted_dissagregate(daily_demand: DailyHeatDemand, weights: pd.DataFrame, keep_month_data: bool = True) -> HourlyHeatDemand: """Disaggregate daily heat demand into hourly values using weights. Args: daily_demand (DailyHeatDemand): The input daily heat demand to be disaggregated. weights (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing weights for each hour. keep_month_data (bool, optional): If True, include monthly data in the output. Defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: If daily_demand is not an instance of DailyHeatDemand. ValueError: If the weight format is not valid. ValueError: If weights and daily_demand do not match the same months. Returns: HourlyHeatDemand: The disaggregated hourly heat demand. """ # Check if daily_demand is an instance of DailyHeatDemand if not isinstance(daily_demand, DailyHeatDemand): raise ValueError("daily_demand should be an instance of DailyHeatDemand") # Check the format of the weights DataFrame check_weight_format(weights) # Check if weights and daily_demand match the same months xor_months = find_xor_months(, weights) if not xor_months.empty: diff_str = f"weights and daily_demand are not matching the same month\n Difference :\n {xor_months}" raise ValueError(diff_str) # Initialize the DataFrame for hourly demand hourly_demand_df = weights.copy() # Include monthly data in the output if keep_month_data is True if keep_month_data: for feature in if not (feature.startswith('yearly_') or feature.startswith('monthly_')): hourly_demand_df[f'daily_{feature}'] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) else: hourly_demand_df[feature] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[feature] for index, row in ) # Disaggregate the daily heat demand into hourly values hourly_demand_df[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] = sum( (weights.index.year == index.year) * (weights.index.month == index.month) * row[ENERGY_FEATURE_NAME] * weights[WEIGHT_NAME_REQUIRED] for index, row in ) # Create an HourlyHeatDemand object with the disaggregated data return HourlyHeatDemand(, hourly_demand_df)