Source code for heatpro.external_factors.external_factors

from matplotlib.axes import Axes
import pandas as pd

from ..check import check_datetime_index

EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE_NAME = 'external_temperature'
HEATING_SEASON_NAME = 'heating_season'

[docs] class ExternalFactors: def __init__(self, data_external_factors: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Initialize an instance of ExternalFactors with external factors data. Parameters: data_external_factors (pd.DataFrame): External factors data. Raises: ValueError: If the required features are missing in the provided data. ValueError: If the data index is not in datetime format. """ if not self.check_required_features(data_external_factors): raise ValueError(f"Missing required features, data_external_factors must contain columns: {', '.join(REQUIRED_FEATURES)}\n(to developer: required features set in REQUIRED_FEATURES)") if not check_datetime_index(data_external_factors): raise ValueError("data_external_factors index should be in datetime format") self._data = data_external_factors
[docs] def check_required_features(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> bool: """Check if a DataFrame contains all the required features specified in REQUIRED_FEATURES. Parameters: dataframe (pd.DataFrame): External factors data. Returns: bool: True if all required features are present, False otherwise. """ # Get the column names of the DataFrame dataframe_columns = dataframe.columns.tolist() # Check if all required features are present in the DataFrame return all(feature in dataframe_columns for feature in REQUIRED_FEATURES)
@property def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the external factors data. Returns: pd.DataFrame: External factors data. """ return self._data
[docs] def plot(self) -> Axes: """Plots the external factors profile data. Returns: Axes: The matplotlib Axes object for the plot. """ return self._data.plot()