Source code for heatpro.external_factors.process.temperature_cold_water

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .utils import convert_serie_C_to_F, convert_serie_F_to_C, get_coldest_dayofyear
from ..external_factors import ExternalFactors, EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE_NAME

COLD_WATER_TEMPERATURE_NAME = 'cold_water_temperature'

[docs] def burch_cold_water(external_factors: ExternalFactors) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Calculate the cold water temperature based on external factors using (Burch et al., 2007) approach. Parameters: external_factors (ExternalFactors): External factors data containing temperatures. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the calculated cold water temperatures. **Overview** .. math:: T^{(\text{Cold water})}_t = (\bar{T}^{(\text{External})} + 3) + ( 0.4 + 0.01 \cdot (0.01 \cdot(\bar{T}^{(\text{External})}-44)))\cdot\\ \frac{\Delta_{day}T^{(\text{External})}}{2} \cdot \sin(0.01745 \cdot (0.986( - t_{\text{coldest day of year}} + 79 - \bar{T}^{(\text{External})}))) where : :math:`\underset{day}{\max} (\underset{t \in day}{\max}T^{(\text{External})} - \underset{t \in day}{\min}T^{(\text{External})})` : Maximal amplitude in a day of the dataset. :math:`\bar{T}^{(\text{External})}` : Average external temperature over the dataset. """ # Convert external temperature to Fahrenheit external_temperature_F = convert_serie_C_to_F([EXTERNAL_TEMPERATURE_NAME]) # Get the day of the year with the coldest average daily temperature coldest_dayofyear = get_coldest_dayofyear(external_factors) # Calculate the cold water temperature in Fahrenheit cold_water_temperature_F = external_temperature_F.mean() + 3 +\ (0.4 + 0.01 * (external_temperature_F.mean() - 44)) / 2 *\ external_temperature_F.resample('D').apply(lambda x: x.max() - x.min()).max() *\ np.sin(0.01745 * (0.986 * (external_temperature_F.index.dayofyear - coldest_dayofyear - (35 - (external_temperature_F.mean() - 44))) - 90)) # Convert cold water temperature back to Celsius and create DataFrame cold_water_temperature = pd.DataFrame( convert_serie_F_to_C(cold_water_temperature_F), columns=[COLD_WATER_TEMPERATURE_NAME], index=external_temperature_F.index ) return cold_water_temperature